Terms of service

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Scribs.me Terms of Service

These Terms of Service contain terms and conditions that govern your use of our Platform (as defined below) and Services (as defined below) and all content, services and/or products available on or through the Platform (collectively, "Scribs.me Services ").


Usługi Scribs.me są oferowane użytkownikowi pod warunkiem zaakceptowania, bez modyfikacji, wszystkich warunków i zasad zawartych w niniejszym dokumencie oraz wszystkich innych zasad operacyjnych, zasad, Wytycznych (zdefiniowanych poniżej) oraz wszelkich przyszłych ich modyfikacji i procedur, które mogą być publikowane od czasu do czasu na Platformie lub udostępniane użytkownikowi w lub za pośrednictwem Usług Scribs.me (łącznie „Warunki”). Po zaakceptowaniu przez Ciebie (zgodnie z definicją poniżej), niniejsze Warunki stanowią prawnie wiążącą umowę między Tobą a Dostawcą (zgodnie z definicją poniżej). Jeśli przystępujesz do niniejszych Warunków w imieniu podmiotu, takiego jak Twój pracodawca lub firma, w której pracujesz, oświadczasz, że masz uprawnienia prawne do związania tego podmiotu.


Provider may, in its sole discretion, suspend or terminate access or use of the Scribs.me Services to anyone found to be in breach of these Terms.



"Content" means all data and information available through the Scribs.me Services or contained within the structure of the Platform or Site;

"Scribs.me Services" also referred to as the "Service" means the Website, System, Content, Platform and any content, services and/or products available on or through the Platform;

"Fee" means a fee for using the "Scribs.me Service";

"Materials" are the result of an order and contain a prepared text, created according to the user's assumptions;

"User" means an individual using the Scribs.me Services;

"Personal Data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person;

"Supplier" means Scribs.me and the entity Grupa Portalowa Bartosz Kaczmarek, NIP 7871974559, whose principal place of business is at 62-045 Pniewy, ul. St. Lawrence 7.

"Visitor" means a person other than a User who uses a public area but does not purchase Scribs.me Services;

"Site" means the compilation of all web documents (including images, php and html files) made available through https://scribs.me or its subdomains or domains with identical names under other main domains belonging to the Provider.



1. Authorization to enter into Terms and Conditions with the Supplier:


Use of the Scribs.me Services   is subject to your acceptance of these Terms. In order to accept these Terms for themselves, a person must have the legal capacity to do so. In the case of an individual, the person must be 13 years of age or older to use the Service. For citizens of the European Union, the minimum age to use this service is 16 years. In the case of a legal entity, the entity must be duly registered and in good standing.


The Terms are accepted when the Visitor declares that he has read the regulations and pays for the Scribs.me Services, then I also become a user.


2. Our Responsibilities:



A. make the Scribs.me Services available on a time-limited basis in accordance with these Terms;

B. provide appropriate standard support for the Scribs.me Services to you at no additional charge;

C. will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Scribs.me Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for planned downtime


3. Use of the Scribs.me Services:


The Scribs.me service provides paid services for the preparation of Text Materials on any subject. The materials are generated using artificial intelligence algorithms.


To place an order, it is required to provide an e-mail address to which a file with ready-made text material will be sent.

In addition, it is mandatory to provide the topic on which the text is to be prepared.


The last step is to pay the fee via the payment gateway operated by Przelewy24.pl


4. Charges.

Generating the Text Material is subject to a Fee in accordance with the price list available on the Website.

To pay the Fees on the Account, a valid credit card is required or the option to make a payment using one of the channels offered by Przelewy24


5. Data security

We maintain administrative, physical and technical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of Personal Data. This includes, for example, firewalls, password protection and other access control and authentication measures. We use SSL technology to encrypt data during transmission over the public Internet. These safeguards will include, but are not limited to, measures to prevent access, use, modification or disclosure of Personal Data by our employees, except for:

(i) provide the Scribs.me Services and prevent or resolve service or technical issues;

(ii) as required by law; or

(iii) as expressly authorized by you in writing.

The only data that is transferred to Scribs.me is your e-mail address.


If you believe your personal information has been compromised, please contact us at support@scribs.me


If we become aware of a breach of security systems, we will notify you and the authorities of the breach in accordance with applicable law.


6. Withdrawal from the contract


Pursuant to Article 38 of the Consumer Law, the right to withdraw from the contract does not apply to products delivered as digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the performance of the service began with the express consent of the consumer before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract and after informing him by the entrepreneur about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.

7. Complaints

Complaints regarding the functioning of the website should be submitted by e-mail to support@scribs.me

Complaints are considered within 14 working days. The complaint response is sent to the user's email address provided when placing the order.

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